Sunday, March 2, 2008

Clinton Craziness Continued

The plan was to go to the Hillary Clinton deal at the Stockyards and then call it day. I was wrong...but it was a good thing. Right when me and two of my good friends (also reporters) were about to park to enter the Stockyards, a fire broke out about 2 miles away from us. I saw a huge gust of black smoke gradually filling the the air, and I was thinking 'that really sucks for whomever. I think I have $5 for parking.' Exactly in that order.

On our way to the fire. Michelle trying to get some good b-roll.

Instead my adventurous friend Susan decided to make a sharp turn, go over the parking ledge and head towards the fire so we can get a good standup. That was pure genius. All 3 of us were so excited and saying how glad we are that we chose this field. The adrenaline was kicking in and we were literally a foot away from the fire.

After getting our standups, we headed back to the Stockyards to cover the Clinton rally.

It was pretty good. Thousands of people were still waiting in line to see her. Her speech was just a slightly different version of what her husband had said a couple of days before. Pretty boring. As you can tell, I do fancy Obama but that does not show (and I don't think it should) in my reporting work. I think equal coverage is very important.

She was talking while I was concentrating on her yellow blazer. It was a good color on her.

See Hillary Clinton. Check. Tomorrow I complete the family by seeing Chelsea. Until then...


Anonymous said...

i think you need some more pictures of that michelle. i hear she's hot

Anonymous said...

you need pictures of your future roommate